Please click the series titles or book cover images for more information on each series, book, and for purchase links. You can also read the books or listen to the audio for free by requesting them through your local library. Copies of many of my books are also available at the independent bookstore Ernest and Hadley in Tuscaloosa, AL. For information on my publishing schedule, click here.
The Magic Collectors Story World Series
Of Magic and Mirrors
Realm and Wand
Of Magic Made
Curse Keeper, Curse Breaker
The Star Clock Chronicles
Shorter Works and Non-fiction
Of Magic and Mirrors
Jane Austen romance meets fantasy adventure
Realm and Wand
Jane Austen romance meets fantasy adventure
Of Magic Made
Fantasy adventure and romance in an ancient world.
Curse Keeper, Curse Breaker
Fairytale retellings with wit and clean romance.
The Star Clock Chronicles
Shorter Works and Non-fiction

If you’re interested in self-publishing, this guide has what you need to know and more! It’s great for the author with one book and the future career author.
If you enjoy studying your Bible and want a pretty journal to help you study the Bible in context, then check out my Context Rules 30-Day Bible Study Notebook (published under a pen name so as to not confuse Amazon’s algorithms).
Please know that some links are affiliate links. That means if you purchase a book through the link, I earn a small commission. It costs you nothing extra, but helps me pay for website costs.
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