Shorter Works and Nonfiction

Short Stories

Encircled: An Ever Afters Anthology

Experience six of the world’s most beloved stories in a whole new light! From historical to futuristic, these re-tellings will take you to an enchanted forest, a cursed castle, and far beyond. Uncover secrets of a forbidden basement, a hypnotic gift, and a mysterious doll. Fall in love with a lifelong friend or brand-new crush. Venture to unknown lands on a quest to save a prince, a kingdom, or maybe even a planet. With moments of humor, suspense, romance, and adventure, Encircled has something to offer every fan of fairy tales, both classic and re-imagined.

This anthology features stories from S.E. Clancy, Jebraun Clifford, J.M. Hackman, E.J. Kitchens, Laurie Lucking, and Tori V. Rainn.

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Tales of Ever After

August 2018 saw the release of Fellowship of Fantasy’s Tales of Ever After, a fairytale anthology with my “Frog Prince” retelling entitled “How to Hide a Prince.” If you like fairy tale retellings with surprise endings, check out “How to Hide a Prince” and the other tales of Ever After.

Janawyn Stahl is convinced there’s a connection between her godfather’s suspiciously talkative automaton named Theo and his lost nephew, but can she protect Theo from the evil Mouse King long enough to find out? A fantasy retelling of “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.”

“The Seventh Crown” is available as a free download when you signup for my newsletter.

Caught on Film

In a galaxy of shapeshifter magicians and magic-altering eclipses, anything is possible. 

When Torin, a financial advisor in hiding as a nanny after a false murder rap, is sucked into an ancient horror movie featuring three children with a remarkable resemblance to his boss, Lady Azura, he has until an eclipse ends to break the spell on the children and get them out, or they’ll all be caught on film—permanently.
This is a humorous, clean light-hearted adventure novelette set in space and inspired by classic horror films and The Twelve Dancing Princesses.



Have a book that’s ready to be self-published but have no idea where to start? Problem solved! Start here. This guide is for you if you’re looking to publish your book and grow your readership to reach the world, make money doing what you love, or just get to call yourself a published author.

This isn’t a book on writing but on getting your writing in front of the people who are waiting eagerly for a book like yours. We’ll take your final draft through all the steps necessary to become a professional quality book, one packaged with a cover and blurb that will appeal to the right readers and which is available on retailers such as Amazon and Apple Books. We’ll discuss how to get an audience ready and waiting to buy your book as soon as it comes out, and how to grow and nurture that audience as your career progresses.

We’ll cover such topics as:

• How to schedule and budget for your book launch

• How to find and hire an editor and cover designer

• How to build your book—formatting and file types—for print and ebooks

• Going wide or exclusive to KU (Amazon’s Kindle Select program)

• How to launch your book

• How to get your book into bookstores and libraries

• Copyright and ISBNs

• Audiobooks and Kindle Vella

• And more . . .

This is a guide for those wanting to self-publish well, either their one masterpiece or the thirty-seven books crowding their mind, all eager to escape.

You can purchase Pen to Print at many stores, linked here:

You can find the media page for Pen to Print here:

Context Rules 30-Day Bible Study Notebook

Context Rules 30-Day Bible Study Notebook

As a fun project to let me use the beautiful graphics I’d found on Etsy and to help me better study the Bible, I designed this lovely notebook to guide my studies with an eye toward Biblical context. It has space for writing down the cultural context, the author’s train of thought, my thoughts on what the author/characters/readers would be thinking and feeling to help me get into their sandals, what the passage means, and more. It is available only in print now, but I hope to make a printable PDF and digital note taking version soon.

An acquaintance with a small, academic-focused publishing house asked me to write an introduction for one of the Christian classics he was publishing. I chose G. K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy. Chesterton’s a fabulous writer (non-fiction and fiction), brilliant thinker, and a fan of fairy tales. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Orthodoxy and learning about Chesterton’s life and other books as I prepared the introduction for Vision Press’s edition.

G. K. Chesterton was one of the most versatile writers of the last 200 years. He wrote newspaper essays, humor, novels (including the hugely popular “Father Brown” detective stories), among other genres. Of all his works, though, many consider Orthodoxy to be his best. A spiritual autobiography and apologetic for the Christian faith, it demonstrates Chesterton’s marvelous and wide knowledge, his wit, and his keen analytical ability. Through his exploration of orthodox Christianity in opposition to atheism and modernism, Chesterton demonstrates the truth of Christianity and the insanity of the popular philosophies of his time — philosophies such as (along with atheism) pessimism, materialism, moral relativism, and scientific determinism that are still in need of challengers today. Chesterton’s works have had a tremendous impact on the world — and Orthodoxy is just as relevant today as when it was written. Through it, he continues to provide a persuasive voice for faith and sound reasoning against skepticism and the flabby thinking of post-modernism.